Conference Reports
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B’Yachad UBMS Shabbaton, 9th March 2013
From the Director of Music… This isn’t a full report of our latest B’Yachad Shabbaton, but I wanted to let people have a taster of the beautiful worship led by one of our worship leaders, Jonathan Newman, during the afternoon. It isn’t a professional recording and mono only, but I hope it gives a flavour of the blessed time we had. listen here… “Where can I go from Your Spirit”…
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Mashiach 2012: report
Many psalms start: For the Director of Music: a psalm… I thought perhaps rather than a psalm being written FOR the Director of Music, perhaps the Director of Music should write a blog about the conference! This is going to be written from the perspective of the oversight of the music worship and the musicians, as this is my job in the UBMS. It is also my testimony of the…
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B’Yachad: “Empowered for Service”
The UBMS recently celebrated its first B’Yachad Shabbaton on 19th May 2012. This was a special day for us as it Purity was the launch of our new name and logo, along with our new website. The day began with our Torah service, with worship led by our musicians who gave great service during the day. The D’var Sefer Torah was CHAMBER given by Rabbi Dr. Yehoshua Scott. The afternoon…
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